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Lower Merion School District


Lower Merion School District Online Summer School Health (**UPDATED**)

Lower Merion School District has partnered with Educere, provided by Founders Education for our online summer school health course.

Please see the attached letter for more information.

The dates for summer school remain the same-June 17 through August 2, 2024.

Course Details

  • This course is available to LMSD students who attend LMSD schools only.
  • Online registration is between April 1, 2024 through May 3, 2024
  • Registration is online ONLY
  • The registration process is below:
    • Go to the link below and pay the $75.00 registration fee and the $425.00 tuition fee.
    • Registration is NOT complete until both the registration fee and tuition fees are paid
    • Course tuition is non-refundable MySchoolBucks Registration Link
  • $75 registration fee payment is online through MySchoolBucks and through credit card only
  • Course tuition is non-refundable.
  • The course deadline CANNOT be extended. August 2, 2024 is the last day to complete coursework.
  • Students may enroll up to 2 courses that include 1 Face-to-Face and 1 online course over the summer (MVP or LMSD online) or 2 online courses (1 LMSD online and 1 MVP)
  • Proof of registration fee payment and tuition payment is necessary prior to being considered officially enrolled in the LMSD Online Summer School Course.
  • Health will NOT be offered through MVP.
  • Similar to other summer school courses, LMSD Online Summer School Health will NOT count toward GPA.

Cost for LMSD Online Summer School Health

  • Please note that summer school fees do not qualify as a child and dependent care expense deduction for federal income tax purposes.  Therefore, the District will not provide its Employer Identification Number for this purpose.
Program Online Cost
Summer School Registration Fee (For All Students) Online $75.00 (Paid to LMSD)
Online Summer School Health (attends LMSD schools) Course Tuition Online (Accelerated Learning) $425.00 (Paid to LMSD)

Students on Free and Reduced Lunch

Students participating in the Free and Reduced Lunch program are only responsible for the $75.00 non-refundable registration fee.

Students MUST have applied, been accepted to the F/R lunch program, AND have completed the "Sharing Information with Other Programs" waiver form prior to April 26, 2024 to be considered eligible.

No free and reduced lunch applications will be processed after April 26, 2024.

Both forms are below:

The waiver form must be printed, filled in and scanned to Lauren Marcuson at and Karen Pinardo, Food Services, at

Eligibility for F/R lunch status must be certified by having the student's principal notify Lauren Marcuson via email regarding eligibility. Students who qualify for F/R lunch status must attend LMSD schools.

Any student who qualifies for the F/R lunch program who does not complete their summer school course work will be ineligible to participate in summer school the following year through the F/R lunch funding.


There are NO REFUNDS for online courses for ANY reason.

Withdrawal From Courses

When a student withdraws during the first three days of Summer School from both Face-to-Face and MVP Online/LMSD Online Health Courses, no record will be made on the student's transcript. After that, if a student withdraws during the first three weeks of a Summer School course, one of the following notations will be made on the student's transcript for that course:

  1. "WP" for Withdrew/Passing
  2. "WF" for Withdrew/Failing

When a student withdraws after the first three weeks an "F" for Failure will be recorded on the transcript.


Students may have access to their computers over the course of summer school if they are enrolled in an online option through MVP on the LMSD Online Summer School Health. 

All student computers will need to be returned to their home school on or before Tuesday, August 6, 2024.

If you fail to return the laptop by this date, you may not be eligible to receive your laptop for the early distribution rollout.

MVP/LMSD Online Summer School Health Course Orientation

There will be MVP/LMSD Online Summer School Health Course Orientation at LM and HHS during the school day (Lunch and Learn) in early June. Students who have enrolled in an MVP or in the LMSD Online Summer School Health course are expected to attend. If you are unable to attend, there is a link to the online orientation that can be emailed to you.

Students should expect to spend approximately 3-4 hours per day, 5 days per week for the seven weeks on the course work. Since this is an average, your child may need to spend more or less time to complete the course work.