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Penn Wynne Elementary School


Penn Wynne Students Show They Know the Meaning of Respect

Teachers rocking a dance line to Aretha Franklin's "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" and Principal Mr. Bernatowicz galloping across stage on a pink unicorn were just two of the highlights of a morning assembly that was part of Penn Wynne Elementary School's PBIS program. 

PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. It's a school-wide program to encourage students to demonstrate the Penn Wynne values of "Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Respectful."

Students who are "caught" displaying behaviors that exemplify the values earn Penguin Points, that can be redeemed for rewards, such as extra recess, game time, prizes and classroom parties. 

The December 9, 2024, assembly was a reminder about what it means to be respectful. Teachers danced to the classic song while holding letters that spelled out "RESPECT" and Mr. B galloped across stage to the cheers of all the students. 

Students then gave examples of ways they could demonstrate positive behaviors for each letter in the word, including:

  • Remain quiet in the lunch line
  • Everyone is calm during dismissal
  • Silent when transitioning in the hallway
  • Please, thank you and excuse me
  • Eyes and ears on the person who is speaking
  • Care for all areas in Penn Wynne
  • Treat guest teachers no different than classroom teachers

Several student essays about why respect is important were read aloud. Students who had demonstrated respect during recent interactions were also called up to select prizes from a prize box. At the end of the assembly, all students recommitted to showing respect, especially during the exciting time between now and winter break. 

The assembly was coordinated and MC'ed by Mr. Clark, Ms. McNally and Ms. McKee. To see photos from the assembly, please click through the slide show below. 

Photo of a screen on stage with the words %22Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Kind%22
Young students on the floor listening to the assembly
Students seated on the floor listening to the assembly
Pink %22Penguin Point%22 tickets stacked on the edge of the stage
Mr. B, the principal, holding a microphone and speaking to the assembled students
Teachers lined up on stage with their backs to the audience, ready to dance
Teacher dance line stage, holding cards that spell out %22RESPECT.%22
Teacher dance line stage, holding cards that spell out %22RESPECT.%22
Teacher dance line stage, holding cards that spell out %22RESPECT%22 up in the air.
Teacher dance line stage, holding cards that spell out %22RESPECT.%22
Three teachers in front of the stage, reminding students to be respectful
Mr. B. wearing a hard hat, gallops across stage on a pink unicorn as part of the dance number
Mr. Clark crouches down in the audience to ask a student a question
On screen, the letter R and %22Remain quiet in the lunch line.%22
On screen, the letter E and %22Everyone is calm during dismissal.%22
On screen, the letter S and %22Silent when transitioning in the hallway.%22
On screen, the letter %22 and %22Please, Thank You and Excuse Me.%22
On screen, the letter E and %22Eyes and Ears on the person speaking%22
On screen, the letter C and %22Care for all areas of Penn Wynne.%22
On screen, the letter T and %22Treat Guest Teachers no different than classroom teachers.%22
Students raise their hands to answer a teacher in the audience.
A teacher stands with a mic in the midst of the students in the audience
Students, seated on the floor, raise their hands to answer a question during the assembly.
On screen, a photo of a student and their essay about respect.
On screen, a photo of a student and their essay about respect.
On screen, a photo of a student and their essay about respect.
Mr. Clark helps a student pick a prize from the prize bos.
Mr. Clark helps a student pick a prize from the prize box.
Mr. Clark helps a student pick a prize from the prize box.
Mr. Clark helps a student pick a prize from the prize box.
Mr. Clark helps a student pick a prize from the prize box.
Mr. Clark helps a student pick a prize from the prize box.
Mr. Clark helps a student pick a prize from the prize box.
Mr. Clark helps a student pick a prize from the prize box.
Mr. Clark helps a student pick a prize from the prize box.
Mr. Clark helps a student pick a prize from the prize box.