December 2024
Ayaan Herial - 9th Grade
Nominating Teacher: Dr. Saher Masoodi
Ayaan was nominated by Dr. Masoodi, who wrote, “Ayaan is a model student who exemplifies dedication and positivity. He is a diligent worker who completes all his assignments on time, studies regularly, and demonstrates a strong understanding of literary concepts. He frequently participates in class discussions with insightful interpretations of texts. Ayaan stands out in the class. I think he inspires his peers to engage more deeply with the class material. Beyond academics, he is respectful to and collaborative with teacher and peers.”
Arryannah Glover - 10th Grade
Nominating Teacher: Mrs. Andria Johnson
Arry was nominated by Mrs. Johnson, who wrote, “Arry is a model student, dedicated basketball player, and a perfect representation of the LM Community. In class, Arry shows natural curiosity; she always participates and drives inquiry forward. In all of her projects, she puts forth maximum effort, conveyed by the high-quality outcome and relevance of the project content. Arry regularly requests feedback because she truly cares about her growth as a learner.&rdquo
Aidan Desper - 11th Grade
Nominating Faculty Member: Mrs. Casey Gallagher
Aidan was nominated by Mrs. Gallagher, who wrote, “Aidan is a leader in my classroom. His attendance is perfect, he is funny, respectful, participates in class and always lends a helping hand when needed to peers and adults. Aidan is a pleasure to have in class.”
Lianzi Zhang - 12th Grade
Nominating Teacher: Mrs. Krysten Lopez & Mrs. Marybeth Martin
Lianzi was nominated by Mrs. Lopez and Mrs. Martin, who wrote, ““Lianzi consistently takes responsibility for her actions, both inside and outside the classroom. Whether it's owning up to mistakes or meeting deadlines without reminders, she shows a strong sense of responsibility for her academic and personal actions. Her consistency in following through on commitments, especially when working in group projects or completing assignments, makes her a role model for their peers. She will ask for help when needed and demonstrate a clear understanding that growth comes from accepting responsibility. She has integrity and respect for others. She consistently shows empathy, actively listening to others and offering support when someone is in need. They are a positive influence on the school culture, fostering an inclusive and respectful environment.”
November 2024
Rachel Bucurescu - 9th Grade
Rachel’s teachers shared, “Rachel is a model student. She earns good grades and demonstrates a consistent effort to stay on top of her work and make sure she understands all assignment expectations. She is a very conscientious student, visiting when needed during Lunch and Learn. She is also a very thoughtful and caring person.”
Jonathan St. Germain - 10th Grade
Jonathan’s teachers shared, “Integrity. Effort. Well Being (of others). It's been so awesome and encouraging to see how Jonathan has grown and matured this year. His effort has increased and his awareness of his potential has also increased. Jonathan has improved his effort in class and is successfully in control of his academics and grades. Also, Jonathan has gone above and beyond to be kind to others in need. Jonathan is a person of integrity, and he has a bright future here at LM.”
Declan Brophy - 11th Grade
Nominating Faculty Member: Ms. Meryl Melnikoff
Ms. Melnikoff shared, “Declan approaches each school day with a smile and gives 200% effort in ANYTHING I ask him to do. I’ve had the opportunity to see Declan’s growth in a variety of ways over several years. Declan embodies character and effort. I feel that he should be recognized for his strength of character, ability to overcome obstacles, and the way he makes everyone he meets a little bit happier. He is active in Best Buddies and participates in Unified Track as well.”
Dylan Silberman - 12th Grade
Nominating Teacher: Mr. John Grace
Mr. Grace wrote, “All of the organizational, and personal dedication to all the folks at LM. PLAYERS, the Student Council, the faculty, the Yearbook. Dylan's affection for the LM community, not only friends but the wider collection of teachers and students influences the day, all day, every day in ways not always visible to the rest of us. Singular effort to improve school culture at LM through PLAYERS marketing, including all efforts to showcase LM theatre on LMSD web page with Mr. Capkin and Ms. Buckman, and extended to organizing first stages of Amazing Ace.”
October 2024
Noa Okutsu - 9th Grade
Nominating Teacher: Mrs. Melissa McCloy
Mrs. McCloy wrote, “Noa embodies good character. She is always willing to lend a helping hand to her peers and is friendly to all. She is someone that makes her peers feel welcome and included. The quality of her schoolwork has also been excellent thus far. Noa is always prepared for class. She is the first to raise her hand in class and has a positive attitude about everything. She takes her learning seriously and works very hard in all of her classes. She is receptive to teacher feedback and asks really thoughtful questions.”
Cecilia Petersson - 10th Grade
Nominating Teacher: Mrs. Jennifer Sand
Mrs. Sand wrote, “I’d like to nominate Ceci as the 10th grade Student of the Month. She’s one of the only sophomores in my AP Biology class and the only student in her class to have an A+! Her work ethic is incredible, and she stands out among her peers as truly dedicated to fully understanding everything we cover in class. She’s also a dedicated, veteran member of TSA. She has taken on an impressive challenge by entering the Montgomery County Science Research Competition, something our school has never done before. She even took the initiative to get me to sponsor her, and she’s diving into a complex biology project completely on her own. She’s a motivated, independent thinker and absolutely deserves this recognition!”
Milad Asadi - 11th Grade
Nominating Teachers: Mrs. Krysten Lopez
Mrs. Lopez wrote, “Milad has a strong character and is always thinking of others. He works very hard, especially as a language learner. He keeps himself accountable in all he does. He maintains high grades and does a lot for his family.”
Anthony Labbad - 12th Grade
Nominating Teacher: Mrs. Heather Van Horn
Mrs. Van Horn wrote, “Anthony exemplifies sense of belonging. His acceptance, inclusion, and connectedness to all is natural. He is kind to all. At a recent regional inclusion conference, he support others and represented LMHS/ LMSD in such a positive way.”
September 2024
Audrey Fisher - 9th Grade
Nominating Teacher: Mrs. Andria Johnson
Mrs. Johnson wrote, “Audrey has shown responsibility through communication and diligence in her completion of assignments. She consistently enters the classroom with an upbeat attitude that creates an environment conducive to learning. Audrey has demonstrated pride in her school community with her participation in every spirit day, and her warmth makes her approachable to her peers. I'm sure she will distinguish herself in future years at LM and become a recognizable figure on campus.”
Christian Cook - 10th Grade
Nominating Teacher: Ms. Katie Tsai
Ms. Tsai wrote, “Chris has had perfect attendance since Day 1. No tardies to my class either. Chris had the 5th highest score in the class on our first quiz. Chris has done all of his homework and classwork on time. More importantly, Chris shows up to class every day with a positive attitude. He is attentive, prepared, and engaged. He helps out his classmates, even if he's not immediately friends with them. He's a positive role model for all students in the class. I know I can always count on Chris to do the right thing, even if the right thing is difficult!”
Charlie Welgs - 11th Grade
Nominating Teachers: Mr. Joe Augustine and Mrs. Samantha Parks
Coach Augustine wrote, “Charlie has defined what an all-around student should be. He has demonstrated success in the classroom as well as in the community with outreach in the special education community as well as helping a young child who was being bullied. He is a role model of encompassing academics, athletics, and a social responsibility that more of our students should take as a priority.”
Mrs. Parks wrote, “Charlie continues to go above and beyond. He expresses gratitude to the athletic office personnel, the officials, and the operations crew at every football game without thinking – it is natural of him to conduct himself in that manner. He accepts special education students with ease, as if they are no different than anyone else in the building. He goes out of his way to say hi to the special education crew and while that seems minimal, it has a major impact on our students who feel invisible in the building at times. Charlie takes time out of his evenings to encourage youth who have been bullied to continue playing football. His calm nature and sense of humor is great to be around in general.”
Samira Rafide Isen - 12th Grade
Nominating Counselor: Mr. Eli Skinner
Mr. Skinner wrote, “Samira exemplifies our ACES expectations. She is trustworthy, hardworking, always has a positive attitude, excels in the classroom, and is a standout goalie on LM's field hockey team.”