Student and Family Handbook
Our school is a community. Many people come together here to support the education of each student. Different responsibilities are given to each of us in order to achieve that overall goal. As students, teachers, counselors, administrators, specialists, volunteers, sponsors, support staff and coaches, we work and interact with each other. This handbook is one guide to help everyone participate in this common effort in a positive and informed manner.
It is important that you review this handbook when it is given to you. It is also important to keep it as a reference for procedures and guidelines on the many topics listed in the table of contents.
Each of us has a responsibility as a member of the Lower Merion High School Community to respect the rights of others. Likewise, we must accept our role in the school by participating actively in an informed manner. If we are able to understand and follow these two principles, each year will be a valuable, enjoyable and fulfilling one for all.