Autism & Specialized Learning Support and Services
Autism Support and Services
Eligible students may access supports and services in the Autism Support Program. Students may also participate in the general education curriculum, as determined by the student’s IEP team. Many students that participate in the Autism Support Program take courses in four core academic areas: language arts/reading, mathematics, social studies, and science/health. Students may also participate in elective courses, work experience courses and programs, and vocational or technical education, as determined by the student’s IEP team.
Specialized Learning Support and Services
These courses emphasize the strengthening of fundamental academic skills and the skills needed to become a productive and responsible citizen. Many students in the Specialized Learning Support Program take courses in four core academic areas: language arts/reading, mathematics, social studies, and science/health. Students may also participate in the general education curriculum, as determined by the student’s IEP team. Students may also participate in elective courses, work experience courses and programs, and vocational or technical education, as determined by the student’s IEP team.