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Lower Merion School District


Resources and Support

There are a variety of resources available for Lower Merion School District students at the high school level.

  • Lunch and Learn: The Lunch and Learn period is one hour each day in which students and teachers have a 30 minute lunch and 30 minutes for teacher office hours, student collaboration, exercise, quiet study, or downtime.
  • Learning Center: The Learning Centers are open at both high schools throughout the school day. They are staffed with teachers from various major subject areas. Students may meet with a teacher to have specific questions answered regarding a variety of academic concerns.
  • Writing Center: Writing Centers are open at both high schools during Lunch and Learn. Students may meet with Peer Writing Fellows to brainstorm essay ideas, to refine writing techniques, and/or to solicit writing advice from an upper-class student who had already taken a particular course, among other writing needs.
  • National Honor Society (NHS) tutors: Students may request to meet with an NHS tutor in a specific subject. This peer tutoring occurs during a free period, Lunch and Learn, or study hall. Students may see their counselors for more information.
  • Academic Enrichment: Students may be recommended by a teacher or self-select to attend Academic Enrichment after school. Students work individually or in small groups to hone their skills in Math/Science or History/English.
  • Career & College Access Counselor: The College Access Counselors are available at both high schools to provide one-on-one support regarding the college search process. It is recommended that the student first meet with a school counselor and then follow up with the College Access Counselor.
  • School Counselor and Transition Experience (SCATE): SCATE involves group guidance sessions that are tailored to each grade level and occur throughout the school year.
  • Transition from 8th to 9th Grade: School communities offer a series of formal and informal programs to introduce students to high school and to ensure all students feel supported and successful.
  • Professional Learning Communities (PLCs): PLCs meet regularly to identify essential and valued student learning, develop common formative assessments, analyze current levels of achievement, set achievement goals, and then share and create lessons to improve upon those levels. The result is a more familiar learning environment for new high school students who feel valued and supported by their teams of teachers.