Keystone Exams
Keystone Exams are state-developed, end-of-course assessments in designated content areas. The Keystone Exams are high school accountability assessments for federal and state purposes. All public-school districts in the State of Pennsylvania are held accountable for participation and performance of all students in Algebra I, Biology, and Literature Exams. Students must take the Keystone Exams for Federal Accountability requirements.
The Algebra I and Literature Keystone Exams include items written to the Assessment Anchors/Eligible Content aligned to the Pennsylvania Common Core Standards in Mathematics and English Language Arts. The Biology Keystone Exam includes items written to the Assessment Anchor/Eligible Content aligned to the enhanced Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Science. Each exam consists of two modules that include multiple-choice questions and constructed response, or open-ended questions. A student will receive a score on each module and must have an overall average proficiency score on an exam.
If a student does not demonstrate proficiency on a Keystone Exam, they may receive school-based supplemental instruction. Students who do not demonstrate proficiency will be scheduled to retake the exam.
If a student has been unsuccessful in attaining proficiency on all three Keystone Exams, the school team will work with the student and their family to satisfy state graduation requirements through alternate means.