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Lower Merion School District



Course Sequences in Mathematics

While three credits of math at the high school level are required for graduation, students are recommended to enroll in math courses during all four years of high school as part of a well-rounded education in preparation for college and careers. A variety of math courses at the College Prep, Honors, AP, and IB level are offered to students. In addition, a number of support courses are offered to provide students with intervention and/or remediation in mathematics.

Courses labeled H (Honors) require that students be able to operate in an environment where both high degrees of independence and thoughtful collaboration are necessary. A prior demonstration of advanced mathematical reasoning and insight through a variety of measures and a record of high levels of achievement are indicators that a student is sufficiently prepared for the rigors of Honors level work. Appropriate formal mathematical and scientific language are used extensively.

Calculator Philosophy

The mathematics department is committed to using graphing calculators and other forms of technology to enhance and facilitate student learning. Calculator usage is incorporated into the curriculum when such usage is appropriate and supportive of mathematical concept and/or skill development. Graphing calculators are used to compare and contrast the symbolic, numeric, and graphic nature of mathematical concepts and to solve more complex problems. Courses where calculators are used more frequently are clearly indicated in the course descriptions. Students enrolled in these courses will need a graphing calculator. The TI-84 family of calculators are strongly recommended.

Integrated Math 1

  • Length/credit: 1 year - 1.0 credit
  • Grade(s): 9, 10, 11, 12
  • Course Number: 03150102

This course is the first in a series of three integrated math courses and is designed to combine some of the basic principles of Algebra, Geometry, and Statistics. Students deepen and extend their understanding of linear relationships and are introduced to exponential functions, modeled through data. Students use properties and theorems involving congruent figures to expand and broaden understanding of geometric knowledge. Students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that draws on their ability to make sense of problem situations and develop the ability to explore and solve mathematical problems, think critically, work cooperatively with other students, and communicate mathematical ideas clearly.

Integrated Math 2

  • Length/credit: 1 year - 1.0 credit
  • Grade(s): 9, 10, 11, 12
  • Prerequisite: Successful completion of Integrated Math 1.
  • Course Number: 03150202

This course is the second in a series of three integrated math courses and is designed to develop an intermediate understanding of the principles of Algebra, Geometry, and Statistics. Students connect and extend topics from Integrated Math 1 and are introduced to Quadratic Functions, Similarity and Congruence, Circles, Basic Trigonometric Functions and Probability. Students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that draws on their ability to make sense of problem situations, and further develop the ability to explore and solve mathematical problems, think critically, work cooperatively with other students, and communicate mathematical ideas clearly.

**The Keystone Algebra exam will be given every May. Students enrolled in Integrated Math 2 will take the Keystone exam at that time.

Integrated Math 2 H

  • Length/credit: 1 year - 1.0 credit
  • Grade(s): 9, 10, 11, 12
  • Prerequisite: Recommended “A” or “B” on assessments in Integrated Math 1.
  • Course Number: 03150403

This course is a faster-paced version of the second in a series of three integrated math courses and is designed to develop an intermediate understanding of the principles of Algebra, Geometry, and Statistics. Students connect and extend topics from Integrated Math 1 and are introduced to Quadratic Functions, Similarity and Congruence, Circles, Basic Trigonometric Functions and Probability. This version of the course will delve significantly deeper into the various topics and includes additional extension topics that are not part of the college preparatory version of Integrated Math 2. Students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that draws on their ability to make sense of problem situations, and further develop the ability to explore and solve mathematical problems, think critically, work cooperatively with other students, and communicate mathematical ideas clearly.

**The Keystone Algebra exam will be given annually. Students enrolled in Integrated Math 2 will take the Keystone exam.

Integrated Math 3

  • Length/credit: 1 year - 1.0 credit
  • Grade(s): 9, 10, 11, 12
  • Prerequisite: Successful completion of Integrated Math 1 and 2.
  • Course Number: 03150302

This course completes the three-course series of integrated mathematics and is designed to extend and apply the principles of Algebra, Geometry, and Statistics learned in the previous two courses to more complex mathematical scenarios. Students expand earlier knowledge of linear, exponential, and quadratic functions to polynomials, rational functions, and trigonometric functions. Students also extend their previous work with circles to other conic sections, their understanding of trigonometry to all triangles, and experiences with data as they solve more sophisticated problems. Students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that draws on their ability to make sense of problem situations, and further develop the ability to explore and solve mathematical problems, think critically, work cooperatively with other students, and communicate mathematical ideas clearly.

Integrated Math 3 H

  • Length/credit: 1 year - 1.0 credit
  • Grade(s): 9, 10, 11, 12
  • Prerequisite: Recommended “A” on assessments in Integrated Math 2 or “B” on assessments in Integrated Math 2 H.
  • Course Number: 03150503

This course is a faster-paced version of the final course in the three-course series of integrated mathematics and is designed to extend and apply the principles of Algebra, Geometry, and Statistics learned in the previous two courses to more complex mathematical scenarios. Students expand earlier knowledge of linear, exponential, and quadratic functions to polynomials, rational functions, and trigonometric functions. Students also extend their previous work with circles to other conic sections, their understanding of trigonometry to all triangles, and experiences with data as they solve more sophisticated problems. This version of the course will delve significantly deeper into the various topics and includes additional extension topics that are not part of the college preparatory version of Integrated Math 3. Students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that draws on their ability to make sense of problem situations, and further develop the ability to explore and solve mathematical problems, think critically, work cooperatively with other students, and communicate mathematical ideas clearly.