Health and Physical Education
- Length/credit: 1 year - 0.667 credit
- Grade(s): 10, 11, 12
- Course Number: 08050200
In this required course for all students in 10th grade, emphasis is placed on conceptual learning in the areas of personal health and wellness. The areas of study are an introduction to health, personality development, human development, effects of narcotics/alcohol/tobacco, addictions, AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, nutrition, human sexuality, mental and emotional health, and values/decision making. The purpose of the course is to help students recognize the mental, social, and physical health issues they face during life and to promote strong, positive attitudes toward self and others and good health decisions.
Sports Medicine
- Length/credit: 1 semester - 0.5 credit
- Grade(s): 10, 11, 12
- Course Number: 08100102
Students learn to assess injuries and apply injury management techniques to assist the healing of body tissues. Some of the class time will be spent in the athletic training room to explore different rehabilitation modalities and treatments.
Physical Education Courses
9th Grade Physical Education
- Length/credit:
- 2 semesters per year; one per semester
- 0.167 - 0.33 credit (must take for one year)
- Grade: 9
- Course Numbers: 08110100, 08110200
This course is designed for students in 9th grade as an overview of the activities that are offered in the upper levels. It focuses on both individual and team games and sports. Students receive instruction in basic skills and strategies. In addition, this course focuses on teaching personal and social responsibility by emphasizing sportsmanship, leadership, and teamwork.
Physical Education 10 / Physical Education 11 / Physical Education 12
- Length/credit: 6 semesters (2 semesters per year-one per semester)
- 0.167 - 0.33 credit (must take for three years)
- Grades: 10, 11, 12 select from the activities below.
The purpose of physical education is to develop motor fitness, skill experiences, and knowledge that assist in improving and prolonging students’ physical health. Students have the opportunity to participate in strength training, conditioning exercises as well as numerous team and individual activities. The fundamental goals are to help students improve their physical condition, to develop life-long habits of participation in physical activity, and to learn principles of physical conditioning. All students are required to schedule Physical Education each year.
Physical Education Activities Available at Harriton and Lower Merion High Schools Grades 10, 11, 12
First Aid and C.P.R.
- Course Number: Fall Session: 08010280
- Course Number: Spring Session: 08010380
This course is open to any student who is interested in a complete first aid course, which includes cardiopulmonary resuscitation. American Red Cross certification is granted to those who complete the course successfully. A nominal fee may be collected from each student to offset the cost of materials.
- Course Number: Fall Session: 08010260
- Course Number: Spring Session: 08010360
Designed to introduce students to the basic postures, breathing techniques, and relaxation methods of yoga and Pilates. Students begin to practice and experience the benefits of stretching, movement, and breath in an effort to practice these skills and learn to relax, relieve stress and improve their personal fitness.
Racquet Sports
- Course Number: Fall Session: 08010270
- Course Number: Spring Session: 08010370
Designed for students to learn and participate in skills and activities used for paddle and racquet games. Students begin by learning the basic skills needed to strike an object using paddles and racquets. As the students become more skilled, they begin incorporating the skills and strategies into team play to accomplish goals set by themselves and the teacher at the beginning of the course. The skills learned in this course are skills that can be incorporated in activities throughout their lifetime. Games such as tennis, racquetball, badminton, pickleball, and table tennis are all games that require the skills and strategies that are taught throughout this course.
Self Defense
- Course Number: Fall Session: 08010230
- Course Number: Spring Session: 08010330
You may only take this course one time during your four years. Designed to make you more aware, prepared, and ready for any situation that you may need to protect yourself. Students learn self-protection, evading and escaping techniques. This course is designed to teach empowerment, so each of the students has the confidence to protect and to defend him/herself. The nature of self-defense should be calming and reassuring.
Strength Training
- Course Number: Fall Session: 08010240
- Course Number: Spring Session: 08010340
Weight training or resistance training is an exercise that utilizes progressive resistance movements, typically with free weights or weight machines, to build strength or muscle endurance. Body weight, resistance band, kettlebell exercises are also taught throughout the semester. Students assess their individual fitness level and use the results to develop a goal-oriented fitness program to follow throughout the semester.
Team Sports
- Course Number: Fall Session: 08010250
- Course Number: Spring Session: 08010350
Designed for students who wish to participate in an advanced physical education experience that will focus specifically on team games and sports. Students receive instruction in advanced skills and strategies to participate in invasion games, such as flag-football, basketball, tchoukball, ultimate frisbee, and floor hockey, and striking games, such as whiffle ball, and soccer. In addition, this course will focus on teaching personal and social responsibility by emphasizing sportsmanship, leadership and teamwork.
- Fall Semester – Football, Basketball, and Tchoukball.
- Spring Semester – Ultimate Frisbee, Soccer, Floor Hockey, Wiffleball/Harriton Ball and 4-way.
Partners in Adaptive Physical Education
- Length/credit 2 semesters per year - 0.167 credit per semester
- Grade(s): 10, 11, 12
- Course Numbers: 08090500, 08090600, 08090700, 08090510, 08090610, 08090710
The purpose of this course is to allow students the opportunity to serve as peer trainers, peer coaches, peer leaders, and most importantly “peer partners” to our special needs’ population. As classmates and teammates, students without disabilities can take a leadership role and support students who need assistance with skills as mentors, but in a non-hierarchical environment of equality where they know that they can learn from those students as well. Students have the opportunity to adapt physical education activities/skills and develop excellent interpersonal communication skills, while working closely with a Physical Education Teacher. If you enjoy the Best Buddies program, you will love this class. Expect to learn patience, develop friendships, and care for others.