School Profile 2024-2025
Lower Merion School District
Nationally recognized for excellence in education
600 North Ithan Avenue, Rosemont, PA 19010
Phone: (610) 658-3950 Fax: (610) 520-3917 CEEB/ACT Code: 394290
Megan Shafer
Richard Marta
Stuart Warshawer
Dr. Stephanie Graziosi-Hibbs
Lauren Marcuson
Patrick Snyder
Shawn Albert
Leslie Burke
Mary Wosczyna
Lower Merion School District serves the 62,000 residents of Lower Merion Township and Narberth Borough, a diverse, suburban community located just west of Philadelphia. The ethnic/racial composition of the school district is: 65% White/Caucasian, 8% Black/African-American, 11% Asian Pacific Islander, 6% Hispanic, and 10% Multi-Racial.
General Information
- Grades: 9-12
- Enrollment: 1230
- Graduating Class: 301
- Type of School: Public
- Full time Faculty: 132
- Teacher to Student Ratio: 1:10
- Length of Semester: 18 weeks
- Class Periods: 53 minutes
While students are encouraged to grow academically, we counsel
students to balance their course load with all their obligations
outside and beyond the classroom.
Advanced Placement Courses
- Art: 2D and 3D
- Biology
- Calculus: AB and BC
- Chemistry
- Computer Science: Computer Science A, Computer Science Principles
- Economics: Macro, Micro
- English: Language and Composition; Literature and Composition
- Environmental Science
- French Language and Culture
- Human Geography
- Latin
- Music Theory
- Physics 1
- Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism; Mechanics
- Psychology
- Spanish Language and Culture
- Statistics
- United States Government and Politics
- United States History
All AP courses are designated on the student’s transcript with AP.
International Baccalaureate Diploma
IB students are required to engage in the full Diploma Program by taking six IB courses in a variety of disciplines and the Theory of Knowledge course, writing an extended essay of 4,000 words of original research, and fulfilling the CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) requirement. Students who opt not to pursue the full diploma may take courses from our suite of IB elective options. Courses include: English, Spanish, French, Latin, History of the Americas, Psychology, Economics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics: applications and interpretation (with Introductory Calculus), Mathematics: analysis and approaches (with Calculus), Music, Visual Arts, Theater, Theory of Knowledge, Philosophy, Business Management, Film, and Chinese ab initio.
All IB courses are designated on the student’s transcript IB.
Honors Courses
Art: Advanced Ceramics 3/4/5, Metal Arts 3/4/5, Advanced Film Photography 3/4/5, Art 1/2/3, Communication Design 3/4/5, 9th grade Art
Business, Computer, and Information Technology: Advanced Entrepreneurship
English: 1/2; Creative Writing, Journalism, Film and Literature, Modern and Contemporary Literature, Reading and Writing Non-Fiction, Heroes and Monsters: Classic British Literature, Sports in Literature and Non-fiction, Voices in African- American Literature
Mathematics: Integrated Math 2/3, Pre-Calculus, Mathematics Seminar, Advanced Topics in Linear Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, Computer Science 1/2, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, Computer Science Seminar
Music: Concert Choir, Concert Band, Symphony Orchestra, Music Technology & Production 3, Music Major
Science, Technology, and Engineering: Biology, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Genetics, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Geology, Meteorology, Oceanography, Landscape Architecture/Horticulture, Foundations of Engineering and Design, Advanced Engineering & Design I, Computer Aided Drafting and Design, Architectural Design, Innovation & Invention - Robotics
Social Studies: Global Studies 1/2, United States History, United States Government, Black Excellence: The Politics, Economics, and Culture of an American People, Economics, Global Citizenship, Philosophy and Modern Culture, Psychology
World Languages: French 1/2/3/4, Advanced French Conversation & Culture, Advanced French Literature and the Arts, Advanced Global Competence in French, Latin 1/2/3/4, Advanced Latin Literature, Spanish 1/2/3/4, Advanced Spanish Conversation & Culture, Advanced Spanish Literature and the Arts, Advanced Global Competence in Spanish, Japanese 1/2
All courses designated on the transcript by the word Honors or the letter H are accelerated and enriched.
Class Rank
No class rank is recorded on a student’s transcript.
Any institution may request in writing from the School Counseling
Department the class rank of any student if class rank is required for
admission to that school or needed for any scholarship program. The
class rank reported is weighted and includes only major academic
subject courses completed in grades 9-11.
Grading System
- A+ = 97-100
- A = 93-96
- A- = 90-92
- B+ = 87-89
- B = 83-86
- B- = 80-82
- C+ = 77-79
- C = 73-76
- C- = 70-72
- D+ = 67-69
- D = 63-66
- D- = 60-62
- F = <60
- Floor = 50
- I = Incomplete
- M = Medical Excuse
- WP = Withdrew Passing
- WF = Withdrew Failing
- P = Passing in Pass/Fail
- F = Failing in Pass/Fail
- AU = Audit (no credit)
- NG = No Grade (no credit)
Minimum Graduation Requirements for Class of 2024
4.00 credits of English
(1 credit each year)
4.00 credits of Social Studies
(Global Studies I, Global Studies II, United States History, and United States Government)
3.00 credits of Mathematics
3.00 credits of Science
2.00 credits of Arts and Humanities
0.50 credit of Health
1.00 credit of Physical Education (all four years)
3.50 credits of Electives
A total of 21 credits are required, and completion of a Senior Project is mandatory
Calculation of Grade Point Average
Grade point average (GPA) is calculated at the end of each school year using only final grades in the five major academic areas: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and World Languages. Honors, AP, and IB level courses are calculated on a weighted 5.0 scale and College Prep courses are calculated on a 4.0 scale. The GPA is reported on a weighted 5.0 scale.
Advanced Placement Exams (2024)
Total Candidates: 409
Total Exams: 925
Grades of 5: 339
Grades of 4: 357
Grades of 3: 194
96% of all AP exam scores were 3, 4, or 5
All scores: total exam score average of 4.02
IB Exam Scores (2024)
86 students took a total of 298 IB subject tests. Tests are scored on a 1-7 scale. 86% of Harriton students scored between 4-7 with the average score being a 4.7.
National Merit, National Achievement Scholarship Program and National Hispanic Recognition Program (2024)
Finalists: 16
Semifinalists: 2
Commended: 27
On average more than 11% of each graduating class is recognized by the National Merit Program.
Gwynedd Mercy University dual Enrollment
Juniors and Seniors have the opportunity to earn college credit through the dual enrollment program. College credit is offered in Introduction to Marketing Management (3 credits), Introduction to Business Seminar (2 credits), Accounting (3 credits), and Principles of Management (3 credits).
Continuing Education
92% of the class of 2024 enrolled in 4-year colleges, 3% enrolled in 2-year colleges, 1% are participating in a gap year, and 4% are employed full-time.
A Sampling of Colleges Attended by Harriton students (2024)
American University, Arcadia University, Arizona State University, Berklee College of Music, Commonwealth University - Bloomsburg University, Boston College, Boston University, Bucknell University, Clemson University, College of Charleston, Colorado College, Colorado School of the Mines, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Dickinson College, Drexel University, Elon University, Fairfield University, Fordham University,Franklin & Marshall College, George Washington University, Georgetown University, Haverford College, Indiana University - Bloomington, James Madison University, Lehigh University, Loyola University (MD), Lynn University, Michigan State University, Middlebury College, Montgomery County Community College, Morgan State University, Neumann University, New York University, Northeastern University, The Ohio State University, Penn State University, Princeton University, Purdue University, Saint Joseph's University, Sarah Lawrence College, Syracuse University, Temple University,Tulane University, University of Arizona, University of Colorado - Boulder, University of Delaware, University of Florida, University of Georgia, University of Maryland, University of Miami, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, University of Pennsylvania, University of Pittsburgh, University of South Carolina, University of Toronto, University of Virginia, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Widener University
Outside of the U.S.: Esmond Paris - France, Institut Francais de la mode (IFM) - France, KU Leuven - Belgium, McGill University - Canada, Universite Lumiere Lyon 2 - France, University of Gothenburg - Sweden, and University of Toronto - Canada
ACT Summary (2024)
Test | Middle 50% | Mean |
English | 28-34 | 31.5 |
Math | 31-34 | 31.5 |
Reading | 29-32 | 32.4 |
Science | 29-33 | 31.6 |
STEM | 0 | 25.5 |
Composite | 30-33 | 31.5 |
SAT Summary (2024)
Testing Area | Middle 50% | Mean |
Evidence Based Reading & Writing | 600-640 | 646 |
Mathematics | 560-620 | 636 |
Total | 1170-1250 | 1282 |
Recent Awards and Accomplishments
This year, sixteen students from Harriton were named Finalists by the 2024 National Merit Scholarship Program. Additionally, two more students were named Semifinalists, and twenty-seven students were named Commended Students by the program.
Niche ranked Harriton High School #6 among all the public high schools in the state of Pennsylvania, with an overall grade of A+.
For the 14th consecutive year, LMSD earned a "Best Communities in Music Education" designation from the NAMM Foundation for providing outstanding music access and education to all students.
Harriton High School's Science Olympiad team finished first at the 2024 Pennsylvania Science Olympiad State Tournament. They went on to represent Pennsylvania at the National competition, and finished ninth overall.
Harriton High School's National Honor Society collected and donated more than $3,000 and seven pallets of food for families served by the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services
The annual Dr. Harriton school-wide charity talent show raised more than $60,000 for the Lower Merion Township Scholarship Fund and Jerseys4Kids, a non-profit founded by Harriton sophomore Massi Agosti, who sadly passed away in the spring.