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Harriton High School


Letter from Dr. Yanni

Dear Harriton High School Community,  

Last week, Mr. Weinstein shared a communication with you regarding “Free Palestine” stickers that a student added to their artwork near the Ram Lobby.  

In that letter, Mr. Weinstein noted that LMSD had communicated with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and Stand With Us (SWU) regarding the stickers and said the organizations, in light of the information provided to them, did not deem the incident antisemitic.  

I want to clarify that while LMSD did seek guidance from those organizations, District leadership, after reviewing all relevant facts, made the final determination that the sticker incident did not constitute an act of antisemitism at that time.  

When consultation exists between the District and outside organizations, it is the District that makes final determinations regarding the severity of events and appropriate consequences.  


Steven M. Yanni, Ed.D. 
Superintendent of Schools