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Welsh Valley Middle School



In accordance with Pennsylvania state law, the Pa. Nurse Practice Act, and LMSD School Board Policy 210, school nurses are only permitted to administer medication (prescription and over-the counter medication i.e. Tylenol or Advil) that is prescribed by a physician. In the school setting, that physician is your healthcare provider. We encourage you to have a school medication form filled out for any medication including "over the counter" (OTC) medication that your child may need throughout the school year. The form can be completed at the time of your child’s annual "well-visit" or during another routine visit to avoid any cost for completion of forms. School medication form LM28c can be downloaded from the LMSD website under Departments/Health Services/Forms & Additional Resources.

  • Students may not carry medication (prescribed or "over the counter") with the exception of specified emergency medications (see below) and completion of LM Form 28c and LM Form 28d.
  • All medications (prescription and "over the counter") must be provided to the school in the original pharmacy labeled container or original container for "over the counter" medications.
  • All medications (prescription and "over the counter") must be brought to school by the parent/guardian. No more than a 30 day supply of any medication will be stored at school with the exception of emergency medication which may be stored until the end of the school year or until the medication has expired or has been discontinued (whichever comes first). Parents/Guardians are responsible for noting expiration and refill dates of medications and providing medication to the school. Expired medication will not be administered.
  • Changes in dosage/frequency require an updated Form LM 28c Medication Administration Request and Consent Form and Form LM 28d Permission to Carry and Permission to Carry and Self-Administer Emergency Medication (if applicable). Medication forms must be updated annually and for any changes in dosage/frequency etc.
  • Medication must be picked up by the parent/guardian at the end of the school year or upon the discontinuation of the administration of the medication, whichever is earlier. Medication that is not picked up will be discarded.

If your child will need medication administered at school (prescription or "over the counter"): Form LM 28c (Medication Administration Request and Consent Form) must be completed by the Licensed Prescriber and the parent/guardian before any medication (prescription or "over the counter") may be administered. Medication orders can be accepted via fax or electronically from a Licensed Prescriber and may be on the Licensed Prescriber’s letterhead instead of form LM 28c if they contain all of the required information listed in form 28c and the parent/guardian has provided written authorization for the administration of medication.

If you want your child to carry emergency medication or to carry and self-administer emergency medication: Students may carry and self-administer specific emergency medications such as Epipen®, "rescue" asthma inhalers and medication for diabetes only if both Form LM 28c (Medication Administration Request and Consent Form) and Form LM 28d (Permission to Carry and Permission to Carry and Self-Administer Emergency Medication) have been completed by the parent/guardian and Licensed Prescriber. The forms must specify the need for the student to carry and self-administer the medication. PA regulations now require that parent/guardian, Licensed Prescriber and School Nurse all agree that the student is competent to carry and self-administer the emergency medication. Students who self-administer emergency medications must notify the School Nurse following each use.