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Welsh Valley Middle School


Students with temporary weight bearing restrictions/limitations on the ability to ambulate

Much of the Welsh Valley Middle School campus was developed in the 1950's and pre-dates construction standards for accessibility that were mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990. The original buildings are marked by narrow hallways and stairwells. Crowded conditions that may occur in the cafeteria or in the hallways and stairwells as students change classes can pose a safety risk to the student on crutches and a trip hazard to others in their immediate proximity. Despite additions and improvements to the campus over the last 50+ years, there are still instructional areas that are inaccessible by elevators, notably the second floor of the "D" building, the Challenge classroom, and the Tech Ed classrooms. The open campus design also subjects students to wet, slippery surfaces and significantly graded, partially protected, outdoor walkways.

If your child has an injury that limits their ability to ambulate without assistive devices (crutches, casts, splints, & orthopedic boots), a physician’s note describing weight bearing status, prescribed assistive devices (including crutches), and excuse from participation in PE class is required. For safety reasons and to prevent further injury, we also strongly recommend that parents provide transportation to and from school while a student is non-weight bearing or using crutches. If a wheelchair is recommended for your child, please contact the school nurse and guidance counselor for information about classroom accessibility and special transportation options.

Elevator Key Cards

Students that need access to an elevator due to an injury or other medical need must:

  1. Submit a physician note to the nursing office explaining the medical condition or need (see above criteria)
  2. The nurse will advise the main office that elevator access is recommended
  3. The main office staff will issue an elevator key card upon receipt of a $25 refundable deposit
  4. The $25 deposit will be given back to the student when the elevator key card is returned