Article IV: Counseling, Health & Wellness
Alongside other adults in the school community, an elementary school counselor helps create a safe and welcoming school environment. We promote a positive school environment through No Place for Hate activities each school year. We are also available to help students address any friendship concerns that arise during the school year. It is our goal to promote positive peer relationships and school affinity through guidance lessons, lunch groups, and individual meetings with students.
In addition to fostering a safe school environment, elementary school counselors teach children coping skills and positive peer interactions. During regular classroom guidance lessons, we teach the following:
- Focusing attention
- Personal safety
- Fair ways to play
- Empathy
- Self-advocacy
- Emotion management
- Problem solving skills
Upon family or staff recommendation, we also help students learn skills during short-term small group and individual counseling sessions. Student can also request a time to talk with us. All services are designed to have a positive impact on student development, sense of belonging and self-concept.
Beyond this, elementary school counselors are a resource for families. We are available to answer questions, discuss concerns and schedule meetings with your child's school-based team. We may also be able to recommend school and community services to support your family and child(ren). More information about LMSD and our school’s counseling services can be found on LMSD’s Counseling website.
Please see Section 2.2 to find contact information for our school counselor(s).