About GES
Gladwyne School holds the enviable position of drawing from a diverse, dynamic staff and student population while capitalizing on the abundant material and cultural resources of the District and surrounding area.
Gladwyne is a community of leaders and learners, which embraces growth and change yet never compromises its history of academic excellence and achievement.
The diversity of Gladwyne's staff is balanced by an extraordinary intelligence and willingness to share. Convinced that instruction is most effective in a school environment characterized by norms of collegiality and continuous improvement, teachers collaborate frequently and intentionally, providing a broad base of knowledge and experience. Excellence is an expectation, for teachers and for their students, and every staff member goes "the extra mile" to provide the best learning environment possible.
Gladwyne School is child-centered, a place where every student is given the opportunity to enhance self-esteem through successful learning experiences and positive personal interactions. Diversity is acknowledged and strengthens the fabric of the school with a variety of cultures, backgrounds and learning styles.
Gladwyne's parents are outstanding in their support and encouragement. They expect the best for their children and are tireless in the pursuit of this objective. Gladwyne students arrive excited and ready to learn, with a range of experiences and strong parental support. The parents also devote enormous time and energy to the school, serving as invaluable partners in their children's education.
Gladwyne's curriculum is first rate, challenging and adaptive. Content and instructional strategies reflect the staff's commitment to excellence and its knowledge of educational reform.
Gladwyne School can point with pride to the successful collaboration of all facets of its community in creating an exceptional learning environment and eagerly looks forward to the challenges of the future.