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Lower Merion School District


Obtaining Work Permits

EFFECTIVE June 1, 2021

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry recently revised portions of the Child Labor Law. Please carefully review the information below about the new requirements for Work Permit Applications.

Each school district is responsible for issuing work permits to all minors who reside in the District including those who attend non-public schools, cyber charter schools, or are participating in a home education program

Work Permits may be obtained at:
Lower Merion School District’s Administration Building
301 East Montgomery Avenue, Ardmore, PA 19003
Telephone: 610.645.1800

Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday
8:30 am to 3:30 pm

Under the new Child Labor Law, only be one work permit will be issued – PLEASE KEEP THE ORIGINAL. The new work permit will apply to all minors age 14 through 17 and can be used for more than one employer.

The minor must be present with his/her guardian when applying for a work permit. Work Permits will not be issued if the minor is not present to sign the Work Permit in the presence of the Issuing Officer.

Evidence of age will be required for all minors applying for a work permit. To help expedite your visit, please bring the original of at least one of the following approved documents which must be presented to the issuing Office.

  • Birth certificate
  • Baptismal certificate
  • Passport
  • Other documentary evidence such as a parent/guardian affidavit accompanied by physician's statement of opinion as to the age of the minor

Under the new Child Labor Law, neither the employer nor a physician will need to sign an application for a work permit. The new law does require that an applicant's parent or legal guardian sign an application for a work permit.

How to Get Working Papers

  • Obtain an Application for Employment Certificate or Transferable Work Permit from the high school office or you can download the form here. You will need Adobe Acrobat to open the file.
  • For individuals who are under 16 years of age, a written statement by the minor's parent or legal guardian acknowledging understanding of the duties and hours of employment and granting permission to work subject to the provisions of 18 Pa.C.S. § 4904 (relating to unsworn falsification to authorities). The form titled LLC-75 Parental Acknowledgement of Minor's Duties and Hours of Employment can be found on the Department of Labor and Industry's website.
  • For the employment of any minor under 18, in compliance with the Pennsylvania Child Labor Act in a performance where a minor models or renders artistic creative expression in a live performance, radio, television, movie, Internet, publication, documentary, reality programming, or other broadcast medium that is transmitted to an audience, please download the LLC-12 Application for Minors in Performances. If you wish to request a waiver from entertainment provisions of the Child Labor Act, please fill out the LLC-12, Application for Minors in Performances and send it to the Bureau no later than 48 hours prior to the time needed for the waiver to be acted on.
  • After completion of the Application for Employment Certificate and Parental Acknowledgement of Minor's Duties and Hours of Employment, please bring all required documents to the Lower Merion District Administration Building to be processed.