Home & School Association
Executive Board
- Co-Presidents
- Sara Kahn
- Wendy Lias
- cynwydhsapresident@gmail.com
- Co Vice Presidents
- Denise Capone
- Alyson Hoffman
- Jennifer Hoffman
- Co Treasurers
- Liz Brody
- Jessica Leacy
- Secretary
- Claire Atkinson
- Newsletter
- Carrie Supple
- Webmaster
- Jennie Cantor
- Homeroom Parent Coordinator
- Julia Pugliese
- Sabrina Reliford
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Yenssy Goyins
Whooo's Talking Newsletter
To see an archive of Cynwyd's weekly e-newsletter, Whooo's Talking, please visit the HSA e-board.
Events & Programs
Adopt-A-Book: This program enables families to donate books to the library in honor of a teacher, a friend, etc. Working closely with the school librarian, Chairperson promotes and organizes this initiative and is responsible for collecting and processing Adopt-A-Book order forms.
ART GOES TO SCHOOL: A district-wide program designed to enrich our children's education and to expand their appreciation of fine art. Volunteers lead classroom discussions using reproductions of various works of art. Chairperson coordinates the program and volunteers.
ART PROGRAM LIAISON: Cynwyd Elementary is the only school in the district to present an annual, themed Art Show that showcases the work of all students. During the Art Show, which takes place in the spring, the Fifth grade students run creative art stations where students can learn about different art mediums and create various make-and-take art projects The Art Program Liaison works with Cynwyd's art teacher to prepare for the Art Show. The also provide assistance in other areas related to the art program.
ARTSONIA: Chairperson prepares and organizes permission slips and tracking information in collaboration with Cynwyd's art teacher. Chairperson also coordinates volunteers to assist on an as needed basis to upload student artwork.
ART SHOW CONCESSIONS: Coordinates Concessions for the Art Show in Spring.
ASSEMBLIES: Chairperson and volunteers work within a set budget to contact outside organizations to arrange for a variety of educational and exciting assemblies.
AUTHOR'S DAY: A one-day workshop run by a published author and/or illustrator designed to introduce students to the various facets of the world of literacy. Working with Cynwyd's Author Day teacher representatives, the Chairperson(s) locates the speaker and coordinates the program.
BINGO NIGHTS: Two exciting nights of fun, food and prizes! Typically held after dinnertime, students and their families return to Cynwyd to play Bingo. Chairpersons organize the evenings and they are responsible for securing prize donations. This is held in the spring.
BOOK CLUB: Parent/Guardian-led book club for Fourth and Fifth graders where students and their parent(s) read the same book and meet for discussion. Chairperson coordinates the program.
BOOK FAIR (SCHOLASTIC): The Book Fair takes place during American Education Week. Parent volunteers turn the Library into a mini-book store where students and their families can purchase books and learning materials from Scholastic, Inc. Chairperson organizes the sale. Several volunteers are needed to run this event.
BULLETIN BOARD: A parent/guardian volunteer updates and maintains the HSA Bulletin Board that is located outside the school office.
BUDDY FAMILIES: Incoming Cynwyd families are paired with existing Cynwyd families to talk about the school and answer questions that incoming families may have. Chairperson coordinates the program, matches incoming with existing families by age, gender of children and proximity of homes. Contact among incoming and existing families occurs late August.
CARNIVAL: The Cynwyd Carnival is an bi-annual event, occurring in the spring. Families come to the Cynwyd grounds to enjoy games, food and fun. Co-chairs of this event must organize sub-committee chairs and a core group of parent/guardian volunteers. This is a large event that needs two to three co-chairs.
COMMITTEE FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION (CSE): The CSE is a parent/guardian-run, non-profit organization that provides education, networking, support and resources for families who have children with IEP's, GIEP's or 504 Agreements. Parent representatives attend monthly meetings and report on the meetings during HSA meetings.
COMMUNITY SERVICE: Chairpersons organize school-wide initiatives, working with teacher, parent/guardian and student volunteers to identify ways to support the community around us. The "breakfast bag" collection has been a successful event under this committee.
DIRECTORY ("WHOOO'S WHO"*) PRODUCTION Chairperson works with the HSA executive committee to create the student directory. This role includes data entry, page layout and editing.
DIRECTORY (WHOOO'S WHO"*) SALES: Chairperson is responsible for coordinating Directory sales the night of Cynwyd's Open House in September ("meet the teacher" night).
*Whooo's Who is the official Cynwyd Elementary School directory, listing Cynwyd staff, student contact information, and important HSA dates.
EFLM LIAISON: The Education Foundation of Lower Merion ( EFLM) is a charitable organization, whose mission is to support our district's educational goals through financial support of programs and activities via the Foundation's grant allocations. The Liaison acts as the parent representative to various events in addition to offering on the ground support for various fundraising activities.
FALL BULB SALE: This is a new fundraiser for the HSA. Students sell fall bulbs to their families and friends, and the funds raised through this sale support many of the events and activities that the HSA sponsors throughout the school year. Chairpersons run the sale.
FRENCH FESTIVAL LIAISON: The Liaison works with Cynwyd's French teacher to prepare for the French Festival, providing assistance on an as needed basis. Additional volunteers are needed to run this event, which is held in the spring.
GIFT WRAP SALE (SALLY FOSTER FUNDRAISER): This is the HSA's biggest fundraiser of the school year. Students sell wrapping paper and related items to their families and friends, and the funds raised through this sale support many of the events and activities that the HSA sponsors throughout the school year. Chairpersons run the sale.
HALF-DAY ACTIVITIES: Chairs organize school-wide events to take place on two of Cynwyd's half-days. Past events include outings such as roller-skating, ice-skating, movies and picnics in local parks.
HELPING HANDS: A new program for the HAS. Communicating closely with school staff, Chairperson organizes help in the form of meals, logistical support, etc. for families in time of crisis.
HUMAN RELATIONS COUNCIL: A committee of teachers and parents/guardians who meet monthly to discuss and plan themed activities that promote positive social behaviors. Past themes have included sportsmanship, friendship, respect and responsibility. Chairperson recruits parent volunteers, attends the monthly meetings and works with faculty members throughout the school year.
Indirect Fundraising: Chairperson and committee members would research, identify, plan, manage and promote several fundraising programs that are easy, fun and do not require an outlay of cash and/or time. These include programs already in place at Cynwyd (e.g., Schoolpop.com and Box Tops for Education) in addition to new opportunities (i.e., eScrip and other cashback reward programs.)
INTERSCHOOL COUNCIL (ISC) REPRESENTATIVE/ ISC ART SHOW: Parent/guardian representative serves as liaisons between Cynwyd and the Interschool Council (ISC). Representative attends a monthly meeting and report on those meetings in the newsletter. An Art Show sponsored by the ISC that showcases artwork from students throughout the entire district. Chairperson works with ISC Art Show organizers on behalf of Cynwyd.
MUSIC DEPARTMENT LIAISON: The Liaison works with Cynwyd's music teacher to prepare for various music programs and provides other assistance to the music teacher during the school year on an as needed basis.
PANCAKE BREAKFAST: A school-wide breakfast event that kicks-off American Education Week and the Cynwyd Book Fair, which is always held on a Saturday in November. Chairperson(s) oversee the event, recruit parent volunteers, collect food and other donations and serve breakfast. Additional volunteers will be needed to support this event.
PHOTOGRAPHY/ PUBLICITY: Chairperson solicits parents/guardians and other photo enthusiasts to capture Cynwyd events. Photographs would be posted to the school bulletin boards as well as submitted to local media. Chairperson (and/or committee of parent volunteers) works with the Lower Merion School District Director of School and Community Programs to solicit appropriate media coverage of exceptional Cynwyd events and activities. Media coverage could include photos in District publications and coverage on websites, in print media, or on TV or radio stations.
PICTURE DAY: Parent/guardian volunteers work with a Lifetouch professional photographer to keep classes on schedule for school photos. Chairperson(s) supervise the schedule. This includes Make-up Picture Day (generally scheduled a month later.)
PLANT SALE (Spring): Cynwyd families pre-order bedding plants, vegetables, herbs, potted plants and hanging baskets from a local nursery. Chairperson(s) sorts and places orders, arranges for delivery of the plants and recruits other parent/guardian volunteers to help on the day of distribution.
STRATEGIC GAMES CLUB: The Club is open to all children in second grade and higher and will give the players an opportunity to learn form each other. Potential games include Chess, Scrabble, Stratego, etc. Chairperson(s) coordinates the program and recruits parent volunteers to monitor club meetings.
SCHOLARSHIP FUND LIAISON: This Committee works with Cynwyd's administration, staff and HSA executive committee to identify opportunities for fund recipients.
SCHOOL BOARD OBSERVERS: Representatives (parents /guardians) attend monthly education and business meetings of the Lower Merion School Board and report on the School Board's activities and decisions at Cynwyd's HSA meetings.
SPIRIT WEAR SALES: Committee chairs organize the sale of Cynwyd Elementary "spirit wear" (t-shirts, sweatshirts, etc.) This committee also is responsible for researching and identifying approved vendors and for ensuring that the Cynwyd Elementary School logo and artwork is properly represented on all customized merchandise.
TRICK-OR-TREAT FOR UNICEF: Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF is the Original KIDS HELPING KIDS® campaign. Committee chairs organize this fundraising activity by distributing Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF kits and boxes. They also are responsible for collecting boxes and sending the money to UNICEF.
Kindergarten Chair Activities
- Pumpkin Sale - October
- Kindergarten/First Grade Social--October
First Grade Chair Activities
- Compile Schedule of Lunch Room Volunteers - Ongoing throughout the year
- First Grade/Kindergarten Social--October
- First Grade Song Celebration - December
Second Grade Chair Activities
- Back-To-School Breakfast for Teachers/Staff--August
- Compile Schedule of Lunch Room Volunteers - Ongoing throughout the year
- Apple Crunch - October
Third Grade Chair Activities
- Water Ice for Back to School/End of School - September and June
- National Education Week Teacher Appreciation Breakfast - November
Fourth Grade Chair Activities
- Back to School Ice Cream Social - September
- End of School Water Ice - June
- Tasty Tuesday - 4 times throughout the year
- Concessions for 5th Grade Play - May
- Promotion Ceremony reception - June
Fifth Grade Chair Activities
- Camp Kweebec - September
- Yearbook - throughout school year
- Incoming 5th Grade Meeting for 4th Grade Parents--May
- 5th Grade Play - January through May
- Yearbook signing/Picnic - June
- End of School Party - June
- Collect and Organize Emergency Contact Information
- Communicate Emergency Closing Plans to Parents/Guardians as needed
- Relay Information and Solicit Volunteers as Needed
- Attend Two General HSA Meetings per Year
- Plan Three Class Parties