About CES
Cynwyd School exemplifies what can be achieved when committed teachers, enthusiastic children, involved parents, and a supportive community join forces to create a productive and positive learning environment. Cynwyd capitalizes on its talented staff and student population as well as on the abundant material and cultural resources of the District and surrounding area.
The Cynwyd Staff is knowledgeable and dedicated to the children. Staff members collaborate frequently, building a school characterized by collegiality, and professional growth. Cynwyd parents are outstanding in their support and encouragement of their children and school. They expect the best from their children and are tireless in the pursuit of this objective. They send us children with a broad range of experiences who are excited and ready to learn. The parents devote enormous time and energy to the school, serving as invaluable partners in their children's education.
Cynwyd strives to deliver a curriculum that is challenging and adaptive. Content and instructional strategies reflect the staff's commitment to excellence and its knowledge of effective educational practices. Cynwyd is a community which embraces growth and change without compromising its history of academic excellence.