Below is an example of activities that are offered at Black Rock Middle School based upon student interest.
- Art Club
- Aviation Club
- buildOn
- Competition Jazz Band (Advanced Music Students)
- Creative Writing
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Fire Cords
- First Lego League
- Games Club
- GSA Club
- H.A.M. Club (Homework & Makeup)
- In Stitches Club (Needle arts)
- Intramural Basketball (6th grade-only a few weeks in Spring)
- Lab Jazz Band (Advanced Music Students)
- Minecraft Club
- Morning T.V. Studio Announcements
- Newspaper Club
- Open Gym (Mornings Only - Basketball/Box ball)
- Project Success
- Reading Olympics
- Salon Club
- School Play/Musical
- Science Olympiad
- Stage Crew
- Stock Market Club (only for 10 weeks)
- Student Government
- SWAT Team (6th grade)
- TSA/Engineering - Technology Student Association
- Valley TLC
- Variety Show (Spring)
- VEX Robotics
- Wii Club