Facts & Stats
Year Opened: 1919; Closed in 1982 and re-opened in 1998 after extensive renovations and additions.
Grade Levels: K-4
Type of School: Public
Number of Students: 344
Number of Staff: 79; 64 instructional staff
Campus Net Acreage: 7.71
Facilities: Multi-purpose gymnasium, cafeteria, library/media center, specialized learning support classrooms, playground, playing fields.
Percentage of Minority Students: 9.7% (5.9% Asian/Asian-American, 2.4% Black/African-American, 0.7% Latino/Hispanic, 0.7% Native American)
Fun Fact: The community of Belmont Hills used to be known as "Goat Hill." Portuguese and Italian immigrants settled in the area and their goats pastured in the hills until the late 19th century.
Fun Fact: Due to declining enrollment, the school was closed for more than 15 years until it re-opened its doors in 1998.