Title I
The Title I program (part of the Every Student Succeeds Act [ESSA] ) is a federally funded program designed to provide supplemental services in reading to children in public and non-public schools who are in need of additional reading support based on performance from multiple assessments. Lower Merion School District offers Title I Reading support to students in Belmont Hills, Penn Valley and Merion Elementary Schools. Highly qualified teachers supplement classroom instruction through guided practice and reinforcement activities in language arts in the classroom.
Parent Involvement
To increase parental awareness of and active participation in various Title Program implementations, Lower Merion School District provides the following resources and forums for all parents:
- An annual orientation meeting for parents of all Title Programs participants.
- A Parent Involvement Liaison who serves as a School and District level Parent Advisory Council.
- An opportunity, through a spring “Needs Assessment” process, for parents to actively express their specific concerns for the following school year.
- An annual spring workshop for parents to learn and receive activities to work with their child at home during the summer.
Required Notifications and Documentation
The following letters and documents have been mailed or sent home with your child and are available on our Administrative and building webpages, for your information:
Dorie Martin-Pitone
Federal Program Coordinator for Title I & III
Phone: 610-645-1904
Email: martind@lmsd.org