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Lower Merion School District



The Lower Merion School District has a long standing commitment to the inclusion of students requiring specially-designed instruction within the general education environment to the extent appropriate for the individual child. Students with disabilities participate in general education across all ten schools. The inclusion of special education students is extensive and continues to exceed state averages. This strong commitment begins with the IEP team's determination of the individual strengths and needs of each student and the supports necessary for the student's success in the general education program. This support may include the assignment of a special education teacher or a specifically trained instructional or behavioral assistant to a student or group of students within the general education classes and/or the support of a designated related service provider to support the student and to consult or collaborate with staff. In addition, the District utilizes an extensive co-teaching model at the secondary level in which general and special education teachers plan and provide instruction within a general education class so that instruction is differentiated to meet the educational needs of all students. These co-taught classes have increased learning opportunities and success within the least restrictive environment.