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Lower Merion School District


Special Education

Lower Merion School District provides an extensive range of educational services and supports for students with special needs within our schools. These services include: Learning Support, Emotional Support, Autistic Support, and Life Skills Support. Speech/language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, hearing support, vision therapy, and transition services also are provided to eligible students requiring these services due to an educational need. A broad array of supplementary aids and services to support students' educational needs includes communication devices, audio versions of books, assistive technology, a braille production center, and pre-vocational opportunities. The continuum of programs and services for children with disabilities varies in accordance with the changing needs of our community.

Proposed Special Education Plan for 2024-2027

LMSD’s Special Education Plan is an action plan that describes the District’s commitment to ensure a quality education will be provided to each of its students with a disability eligible for special education.  This plan is required by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) and must be updated every three years. The plan describes the special education program and services that are provided within the District and those special education programs and services which are accessed by the District from outside our geographical bounds. The plan aligns with the District’s Strategic Plan and ties nicely with the Cyclical Monitoring for Continuous Improvement, which is a comprehensive assessment of the District’s special education supports and services by PDE every six years. The draft plan is posted for a 28-day public review period and all LMSD stakeholders are encouraged to review the plan and provide feedback. All feedback provided will be carefully reviewed and considered by a steering committee. Feedback can be sent to

The Special Education Administrative team is also offering feedback sessions for parents/guardians and community members who prefer to talk personally with someone regarding their feedback. This in-person session is being offered on April 2, 2024 from 5-6pm at the District Administrative Building in the Board Room. Registration is not required.

Important Special Education Update

Important Special Education Update

On August 30, 2023, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) communicated an important policy change that will provide continued educational services to students receiving a special education.

Under the new policy, students who are eligible under the federal IDEA may access a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) up until their 22nd birthday. Information about this new policy can be found by clicking the PDE website links below:

IDEA B Policies and Procedure (Revised August 31, 2023)

Age of Eligibility FAQs

PENN*LINK Message, August 30, 2023

Letter to Families, English and Spanish

If you have questions about how this change to PDE policy may impact your child, please contact Kimberly Fraser, Director of Student Services & Special Education at 610-645-1918 or

Kimberly Fraser

Director of Student Services and Special Education

Melissa Sinapi-Gibson

Lead Supervisor of Special Education, Supervisor of Special Education Grades 10-12+

Beth Cavalier

Supervisor of Special Education Grades 4-6

Stefani Doyle

Special Education Supervisor Grades K-3 and Early Intervention

Karyn Flocco

Interim Special Education Coordinator, Grades 4-6

Gwen Nartowicz

Supervisor of Special Education Grades 7-9

Lauren Walker

Supervisor of Student Services and Gifted Education