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Lower Merion School District



Integrated Math Sequence 4th-HS Electives

Integrated Math Sequence 4th-HS Electives

Students begin the integrated math sequence in 4th grade with Math 4 and progress through Math 5, 6, 7 and 8. Following each year, students are screened and placed in either the next course in the sequence or can be placed in an accelerated course, Math 6 for 5th Grade or Math 7/8. Prior to these advanced courses, students may be requested to participate in the Summer Bridge 5, Summer Bridge 6 or Summer Math 8 programs and then either continue on to the next advanced course or rejoin the normal math course sequence. Math 6 for 5th Grade will progress to either Math 6 or Math 7/8. Math 7/8 will advance to either Math 8 or Integrated Math 1. Once a student reaches Integrated Math 1, they progress to Integrated Math 2, then Integrated Math 3. After Integrated Math 3, students can elect one of several Math Electives.

Integrated Flexible HS Math Sequence

Integrated Flexible HS Math Sequence

Upon completion of each Integrated Math course, students will evaluated for placement in either the standard or honors level of the next courses in the sequence. The full sequence is:

  1. Integrated Math 1
  2. Integrated Math 2 or Integrated Math 2 Honors
  3. Integrated Math 3 or Integrated Math 3 Honors
  4. Pre-Calculus or Pre-Calculus Honors
  5. Math Electives