Students begin the integrated math sequence in 4th grade with Math 4 and progress through Math 5, 6, 7 and 8. Following each year, students are screened and placed in either the next course in the sequence or can be placed in an accelerated course, Math 6 for 5th Grade or Math 7/8. Prior to these advanced courses, students may be requested to participate in the Summer Bridge 5, Summer Bridge 6 or Summer Math 8 programs and then either continue on to the next advanced course or rejoin the normal math course sequence. Math 6 for 5th Grade will progress to either Math 6 or Math 7/8. Math 7/8 will advance to either Math 8 or Integrated Math 1. Once a student reaches Integrated Math 1, they progress to Integrated Math 2, then Integrated Math 3. After Integrated Math 3, students can elect one of several Math Electives.