Gifted Services
How Does A Student Receive Gifted Education Services?
If an evaluation determines a student is mentally gifted and in need of specially designed instruction, then a Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP) is developed to meet that student's identified academic areas of strength. The GIEP is created by a team, including family/legal guardian(s) of the child, the child's teacher(s), a designated representative from the District and any other person who is requested to be present by either the family/legal guardian(s) or the District.
The GIEP identifies present levels of academic achievement, annual goals, instruction for specially designed instruction and supports each student in developing individual strengths.
The content and design of each student's GIEP depends on the individual's academic strength areas identified for enrichment, acceleration or a combination of both.
Supports and services for students identified as gifted align to Pennsylvania standards and encompass a high level of cognitive and metacognitive concepts and processes.
Instruction for gifted students deepens and broadens their thinking. Broad themes, appropriate to several disciplines, are used to help students connect ideas among and between various disciplines and to apply them in meaningful ways. Learning environments incorporate cognitive and metacognitive experiences to support the development of innovation, exploration, self-monitoring, creativity, decision-making, openness to new ideas, and academic risk taking. The diversity and uniqueness of individuals and cultures is honored and integrated into substantive curricular content.