Elementary Curriculum Goals (K-4)
Aligned to PA Core Standards
Transformative experiences that support students' present and future success.
English Language Arts
In English Language Arts, our young scholars learn to become strong readers, writers and thinkers.
Comprehension and Collaboration:
- Through collaborative conversations, we emphasize the importance of the Listening and Speaking standards.
- Through collaborative conversations, we create a culture of respect for other views and ideas within the class that is necessary for students to collaborate with others.
- Students participate in different discussions (pairs, groups, full class) with a range of peers about grade-level topics.
- During these discussions, students learn to acknowledge and respond to others’ ideas and incorporate those ideas, as well as, others they discover through their own reading, as evidence to support their conclusions or claims.
- Teachers use a variety of literature and informational text in their classrooms. There is a balance of complex texts in all content areas, as well as exposure to multiple authors.
- These texts are used to support instruction in reading, writing, vocabulary, and discussion with an emphasis on using details and evidence from the text (analysis).
- While students are growing in their ability to read increasingly complex texts, we also want them to develop a love of reading. We build in independent reading of choice texts throughout the school year.
K-4 Reading
Wilson Fundations is a multisensory structured language program that provides research-based materials and strategies to support strong foundational skill development. Fundations provides instruction in encoding, decoding and handwriting as part of our core Language Arts program in K-2. For more information, see the Fundations program overview. Teachers also have access to Funhub, the digital resource connected to Fundations to support instruction.
Supplemental Readables: Fundations Decodables and Geodes are used in grades K-2. Geodes are decodable texts that support students in reading to learn while learning to read. Students apply decoding skills while learning important ideas in science, history and the arts. These learning experiences combine foundational reading skills with development of content knowledge.
Authentic Reading: Students receive both Scholastic News and Scholastic Storyworks magazines to support reading both nonfiction current events and engaging multigenre stories. Let’s Find Out is the Kindergarten magazine edition. Learning A-Z is a digital supplemental resource to support differentiation in the classroom and access to various genres of leveled reading across all content areas.
K-4 Writing
Our writing instruction includes students’ ability to communicate well using various forms of writing for different purposes and audiences such as:
- Letters
- Presentations
- Literary Analysis
- Reports
- Research
- Response to Reading
- Modes of writing-writing prompts
We also nurture students in their ability to express themselves creatively through journaling and writing pieces of poetry and fiction.
- A student-centered interactive workshop model which is aligned with PA Core Standards is used as the instructional model.
- Being A Writer is the primary research-based resource used for teaching writing.
- Students choose their own topics and collaborate with peers and their teacher about their writing
- Grammar and conventions are integrated with instruction.
Math instruction incorporates a variety of approaches and tools to engage students. This provides various ways for students to demonstrate understanding and to make connections between and among the different areas of mathematics. Particular attention is given to meeting students' individual needs.
- Aligned to PA Core Standards
- Supports the building of conceptual knowledge of grade level math concepts and skills
- Focus on problem solving, reasoning, and application
- Instructional design includes whole group and small group guided math instruction.
- Investigations is the core math resource being used to support the district math curriculum in grades K-5. All children have the opportunity to engage in rich, meaningful math tasks and be challenged at their appropriate level of instruction. Math instruction encourages students to think creatively and develop and articulate their own problem solving strategies. Elementary math instruction focuses on helping students to make sense of math and see themselves as mathematical thinkers.
- SAVVAS Realize, our online digital platform aligned with the Investigations program for math, makes it easier for families to support their child at home. Online access to:
- Resources and games
- Math words and ideas
- Family letters with goals and suggestions
- Dreambox - Grades K - 4
- Supplemental on-line program that differentiates content, pace, and sequence to reach students of all levels right where they are in real time.
- Fully aligns with the PA Core Standard and Standards for Mathematical Practice.
- Adjusts instantaneously to the needs of each and every student
- Allows students to work ‘at their own pace’ while exploring, developing conceptual understanding, sharpening their own abilities, and building a life-long confidence in math.
Elementary science is a developmental progression, building upon children’s curiosity about the world and establishing initial concepts about scientific investigation and results to answer their questions. Knowledge and practice are intertwined as children learn to think, investigate, and communicate like scientists. We are in the process of aligning curriculum and instruction to Pennsylvania’s new STEELS (Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental Literacy and Sustainability) standards.
Our core resource is FOSS (Full Option Science System) Third Edition. FOSS science is built around firsthand exploration of phenomena, using classroom-proven theories and practices to engage all students. FOSS is designed to fully integrate active investigation and multisensory learning, an approach proven effective for all learners, regardless of prior knowledge, language, or background. STC Science and Technology Concepts is also used as a supplementary resource.
Every year, students engage in a Science Problem-Based Learning (PBL) unit, framed around a real world problem and anchored in one of the Science units. Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is a powerful tool for developing essential skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, empathy, and information literacy, among others. Problem-Based Learning positions students with the skills and habits of mind to be trans-disciplinary thinkers
- Students research an issue, investigate differing perspectives and experiences around the issue, explore solutions from a variety of angles, and put together a plan to solve the problem.
- Guaranteed experience/field trip provides authentic experience connected to the PBL
Social Studies
Social Studies instruction is highly integrated into the ELA curriculum. Curriculum and instruction aligns with the PA Core standards. Integration of civics as well as social emotional learning is a continued area of focus as students explore what it means to be a positive member of a community. As curriculum teams focus on social studies topics, they identify larger concepts for enduring understanding and entry points for integration with other subject areas, especially ELA. Teams are beginning to use the 3C framework from the National Council for Social Studies as a guide for these conversations and on-going work.
What are the guiding principles?
The C3 Framework is driven by the following shared principles about high quality social studies education:
- Social studies prepares the nation’s young people for college, careers, and civic life.
- Inquiry is at the heart of social studies.
- Social studies involves interdisciplinary applications and welcomes integration of the arts and humanities.
- Social studies is composed of deep and enduring understandings, concepts, and skills from the disciplines. Social studies emphasizes skills and practices as preparation for democratic decision-making.
- Social studies education should have direct and explicit connections to the PA Core State Standards for English Language Arts.
Students enjoy engaging introductions to musical rhythm, tempo, tone, form, melody, and harmony. Students have opportunity to use their voice, sing, use instruments, and expressive movement to enjoy and learn about music. Students will listen to and describe music, exploring creative and cooperative expressions of what they learn.
Physical Education
Our physical education program supports student development of motor skills which are a foundational part of child development and support the movements of everyday life. Kindergarten students explore safe movement individual, partner and group activities. Additionally, students learn about safety, injury prevention and being part of a community that supports the safety of others as well as oneself. Students play organized games, learning rules, turn-taking, self-regulation, and sharing. Opportunities for collaboration, cooperation and social skill development make physical education an important experience for students learning how to communicate, as well as prevent, recognize and resolve conflicts.