The Health Services Department and Nursing Staff have always been an integral part of the Lower Merion School District community working to support student health, learning and achievement throughout all ten of our schools. This past year has only served to further illustrate what a critical role our nurses play day-in and day-out throughout the District.
As part of National Nurses Week (May 6-12), students, staff and community members took some time to recognize the exemplary work of our school nurses, who have gone above and beyond in helping to safeguard the health and safety of our school communities. Members of the Interschool Council (ISC) delivered 'thank you' signs that were placed outside of each school, along with mini-bundt cakes for each nurse as a small token of appreciation for their efforts. Students, staff and administrators also decorated health suites throughout the District as another expression of gratitude.
In addition to providing direct services to students, school nurses promote health and risk reduction and plan and coordinate ongoing, comprehensive health care programs and services for students in collaboration with families and treating medical professionals.
Direct services to students include: nursing assessment, diagnosis and treatment; physical/ dental assessments and screenings mandated by the Pennsylvania Department of Health; management and control of acute and chronic disease; monitoring of immunization status and implementation of immunization programs; administration of medication and skilled nursing procedures; development of Individualized Health Care Plans as needed for individual students. Members of the health services team provide culturally competent health services, education and counseling to promote healthy living and to reduce health risks. Nurses participate in the investigation and control of diseases and injuries among the school population within the parameters of the state and local boards of health and CDC Healthy People 2020. They facilitate the LMSD Wellness Council.
In addition to their roles as direct service providers and educators, nurses also develop and coordinate a continuum of ongoing, comprehensive health care programs and services for students in collaboration with their families, the school and the community. School Nurses support students by participation in building based teams including the Student Assistance Program, achievement teams, IEP teams, 504, crisis intervention and other school based teams. School nurses plan and present a variety of staff development programs and educational programs for students around health issues.