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Lower Merion School District


LMSD is Proud to Celebrate Black History Month!

LMSD schools will celebrate Black History Month with a variety of educational and enrichment activities throughout February. African American history is part of the year-long curriculum at all levels, but teachers and students will take extra time throughout the month for deeper exploration of significant historical figures and events. Displays throughout the schools will feature art, literature and general information reinforcing curricular learning, while a variety of programs and classroom-specific activities will emphasize the significance of African Americans throughout history.

Since 1976, every American president has designated February as Black History Month and endorsed a specific theme. The 2024 theme is African Americans & the Arts!

Throughout the month, we will share information, events and programs celebrating Black History Month from all 11 schools. Be sure to visit our dedicated Black History Month page of the website for updates as we aggregate content throughout February!

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